Why Choose Mile High? We take the time to serve our clients with professionalism and customer service that separates us from the rest. Our catalogs are full color productions with some of the best reprographic technology in the hobby. Our images are a cut above the competition and are coupled with interesting and intriguing descriptions. Our auction software allows both buyers and consignors to access their information quickly and easily, displaying your most important data online at your fingertips. Whether it’s cards or sports memorabilia, MHCC seeks to be your auction house of choice. Get results that pay with an auction house that is truly distinguished in its performance. Our track record of experience is undeniable, the numbers speak for themselves. When other auction houses are scrambling for excuses, we are cutting checks. It’s that simple. GET RESULTS! If you are serious about your valued collectibles and want excellence, call us at (303) 840-2784. Discuss the best opportunity for you and your treasures with Brian. You may also email us at MHCC@MileHighCardCo.com or visit www.MileHighCardCo.com and click consign to auction.